purpose éditions FR   EN
purpose 10


purpose 10 - spring 2010

Kohei Yoshiyuki  The Park
Katherine Wolkoff  Family / Deerbeds
Jen Davis  Self-Portraits
Nobuyoshi Araki  Sentimental Journey / Winter Journey
Marisa Portolese  Imagined Paradise
Jean-Christian Bourcart  Forbidden City + interview
Romain Courtemanche  De la sueur et des fruits
Todd Hido  I drive, I drive a lot
Mark Ruwedel  Westward the Course of Empire
Robert Adams  Time Passes
von Gloeden & von Plüschow  Hors d'atteinte
Anonymes  Nus, au soleil
Leonie Purchas  Autonomy: The Cariou Family

Music bySeijiro Murayama

Perfect bodies, trendy clothes and accessories, idyllic holiday destinations, "fundamental" high-tech objects... merchandise spread out all over the place. There is always a solution to satisfy each one of our desires, and we selfishly always need to have something else; immediate pleasure and individualism dehumanize our relationship to the other.

Is this what desire really is? In this issue of purpose, we have tried to think about desire in a different way, as a form of resistance to the merchandization of the world.

Caring about being before having, being capable of taking time or even of wasting it, longing to discover, being surprised, loving and dreaming... Desire can be all of this, and it can also be what drives a photographer to take photographs: exploring unknown territories, overcoming fear, being patient, giving a face to the other...

The culture of desire versus the tyranny of envy: things are not so simple! Feelings, passions and ideas are inextricably tangled in each one of us. Boundaries among different facets of a human being don't exist.

The thirteen portfolios we have put together underline the complexity and diversity of desire by the choice of topics and also by the genre of photography. We have the same obsessions as photographers. The desire to meet someone and to discover bodies; the desire to dare what is forbidden and the desire to be free and without taboos; the insatiable desire to rejoin a departed beloved or to go back in time; the desire to live differently and be able to be oneself; the desire of nature, horizon and light...